We deliver worldwide by DHL. The cost of shipping the product will be borne by the customer.
Please note that the estimated delivery time may vary based on factors such as product availability, destination, and shipping method selected. To keep you informed about the progress of your delivery, we provide shipment tracking for most orders. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number and instructions on how to track your package. This allows you to monitor the status of your shipment and estimate its arrival.
Once you place an order, our dedicated team begins processing it promptly. This includes verifying the order details, conducting quality checks, and preparing the package for shipment. The order processing time may vary depending on the product, with some items requiring additional handling or customization.
By EU law, every customer is obliged to have a return period of at least 14 days. (don’t “buy to try” please). The cost of shipping the product will be borne by the customer.
The 1-year warranty period starts as soon as you receive your goods. You can ask us to repair or replace the product . The cost of shipping the product will be borne by the customer.
What does the warranty cover?
Manufacturing Defects:
One side not working
Both sides not working
Channel imbalance
Crackling Sound
Any other manufacturing defect
What’s Not Eligible?
Physical Damages
Wear and tear from usage
Cosmetic flaws
Wire/cord tearing
Damages to accessories
Any other accidental damage
After the warranty expires we will charge for repairs.
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